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Startup TV Digital Magazine. A "must read" for all Start-ups, SME's and Entrepreneurs. Click here to view the June 2010 edition of Startup TV Magazine.

Personal Development

If you know in your soul that you're meant for more in life, ask yourself one question...

What If You Could Unlock The Secret To Unlimited Success In Just Three Days?

You Can, And It Begins With
The Most Life Changing Event You'll Ever Attend

This one event can "flip the switch" in your life, and make achieving success becomes easier than you ever thought possible
The relationships you'll form could set you up for stunning achievements beyond your wildest dreams right now
What you learn can open doors of possibility you didn't even know existed (and you'll be shocked to see how big they really are)
You may believe that sounds too good to be true, but it's not. It has been a reality for the past 16 years...and you can be part of it.
Dear Success Seeker,
Imagine two people.
One seems to be on a continually upward spiraling path of success. Everything "clicks" for him. He goes from one achievement to the next, seemingly bigger each time. The future is almost blindingly brilliant.
The other person seems stuck. Everything he tries to do fails miserably. It seems like he gets knocked down as soon as he gets up. His financial world is crumbling around him. His future seems hopeless.

What's The Difference Between These Two People?

There could be many differences. No two lives are the same.
But as odd as it might sound — as almost mystical as it might seem — there is one difference that dwarfs all others. There is one universally powerful truth that separates these two people, and puts their lives on such strikingly different trajectories.
And that one truth can radically transform your life, flooding your future with success that will awe you. Without question, you can "break through" to a life so dazzling that people around you will stand in slack-jawed wonder...
  • No matter who you are
  • No matter what your life situation
  • No matter what your childhood was like
  • No matter what your current finances are
  • No matter how hopeless or frustrated you feel

It's Mindset, Mindset, Mindset

You've heard that the secret to real estate is location, location, location. When it comes to success in your life, the key is mindset, mindset, mindset.
If you want to break through to higher levels of success, you must change how you think, sometimes radically. That one element can mean the difference between living a life of brilliance, or suffering in frustration.
What counts most, however, is understanding what a success mindset is, and is not.

A Success Mindset Is
A Human Superpower If You Can Harness It

Mindset isn't just dreaming, or setting goals, or even knowledge. It's literally the power of your brain to create your future.
When your mind is right, your dreams can fall into place. And your success mindset has three critically important parts:
  • The dreams that inspire you to make your goals reality
  • The practical knowledge you need to achieve your goals
  • The right way to think about what you're after, why you're going after it and how you'll get there
That's the mindset you need to transform your life.
We're going to show you how to claim that mindset for yourself, in three supercharged days of learning and growing that will leave you speechless.
We've created an annual gathering that will let you reprogram your mind for success. It brings the best and brightest success experts together in one place for a concentrated, intensive three-day event.

Introducing the National Achievers Congress
In The UK For The First Time In 2010

Since 1994, The National Achievers Congress has brought together a powerhouse gathering of like-minded people to learn, challenge themselves and create massive breakthroughs in their personal and professional lives.
The atmosphere is electric. You can feel the energy in the room, and for good reason. The event is a gathering of some of the most successful people on the planet, in all spheres of life.
The speaker list for this event in Singapore and Malaysia reads like a who's who of international figures for the past 16 years:
March 1994
Tom Hopkins & Joe Girard
March 1995
Brian Tracy
April 1996
Zig Ziglar & Robert Kiyosaki
April 1997
Les Brown
March 1998
Dr. Daniel Goleman
May 1999
General Norman Schwarzkopf
June 2000
Harvey Mackay
May 2001
Robert Kiyosaki
May 2002
Former US President Bill Clinton & Dr. John Gray
May 2003
Allan Pease & Dr. Dolf De Roos
May 2004
Robert Allen & Tom Hopkins
May 2005
Jay Abraham
May 2006
Jim Rohn
May 2007
T. Harv Eker & Mark Victor Hansen
May 2008
Joe Girard & Blair Singer
May 2009
Robert Kiyosaki
April 2010
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair
You probably recognize most, if not all, of those names. They're people who have achieved true greatness in one or more areas of life. And they've chosen the National Achievers Congress to share how they did it, in detail.
But the National Achievers Congress is more than a keynote speech.
It's a forum where you can meet like-minded people who are eager to expand their futures and learn the breakthrough strategies necessary to change the world, starting with themselves. It's a gathering of go-getters who are all striving to develop a can-do success mindset. They're all thirsty for the practical knowledge and skills to achieve their goals.
You can be part of it this year as the event expands to the UK for the first time ever.
The results are breathtaking.
Roughly 3,000 to 5,000 people have attended each event in Malaysia and Singapore since they began in back in 1994. To date, more than 100,000 people have seen their lives fundamentally transformed.

— Lisa and Lionel

"I have attend NAC two or three times. What attracts me to it are the master speakers like T. Harv Eker, Blair Singer and Brian Tracy. One of the major benefits I got it from there is that I learned from the masters from all over the world, picking up tips here and there to help me develop as a person. I greatly encourage people to come if they're interested in personal growth and learning, and also want to meet people with a similar mindset."
— Nicky Chang

— Gladdis Tan

— Earnest Tan

— Terrence Tan


Our Featured Speakers

If you look back at that speaker list for the past decade and a half, you'll notice something interesting.
One person — and ONLY one — has made more than two appearances on our stage. In a constellation of luminaries like our speaker list, those multiple appearances stand out as extremely important.
His name is Robert Kiyosaki.
Why have we invited him to speak so often? Because Robert has done more than any other person in the past decade to help people build their financial intelligence and personal wealth.
The man knows his material. He has lived it himself, and he's one of the world's best (and most sought after) wealth teachers.
Robert is the internationally best-selling author of 18 books with sales of over 26
million. His books (one co-authored with Donald Trump) have spent six years on the New York Times best seller list. He even appeared as a sole guest with Oprah Winfrey, not to mention Larry King Live, CNN and others.
He's a busy man.
But we have a history with Robert, even before he was famous, and we wanted to snag him to launch our first event in the UK for a very simple reason — the information he shares transforms lives.
He's currently working on another book with Trump, writing a bi-weekly column ("Why The Rich Are Getting Richer") for Yahoo! Finance, writing a monthly column ("Rich Returns") for Entrepreneur Magazine, and speaking around the world. And he recently published his most
recent book, Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money, which pioneered online book publishing as a free online interactive book with contributions from 1.1 million readers in over 167 countries.
He's best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, the number one personal finance book of all time. That single book challenged and changed the way tens of millions of people around the world think about money. Rich Dad titles hold four of the top ten spots on Nielsen Bookscan List’s Life-to-Date Sales from 2001-2008 alone.
But we know what you're asking yourself right now...

"Success Is More Than Money, Isn't It?"

Yes, it is, but ask yourself another question. What is success? Libraries are full of the books on this topic, but it's simpler than you might think it is.
Success is achieving your goals in life, whatever they may be.
But there's no denying that money matters. Having the financial condition to enjoy your achievement is part of success. If you're stuck in the rate race, you'll have no room to enjoy living. In a real sense, financial success is the bedrock of all other success you want to go after. It sets the stage, so to speak.
The key is learning to achieve your goals and build wealth, no matter what economic conditions prevail. That preserves your options, your choices, your freedom — which is what success is really about.
The challenge for all of us in today's cyber world is that there's plenty of information out there about how to achieve financial success, but how much of that information is worth anything? In other words, there's a huge amount of information available, but which is the "good stuff"?
We'll answer that question for you.
The National Achievers Congress London 2010 brings the premier international speaker on this topic to you, so you can learn directly from him.
Robert's perspectives on money and investing are not the typical fare. He shakes things up. In short, he has revolutionized the way people think about wealth. That is a perfect complement to our mission of helping people transform their lives, so we're perfectly in tune with Robert and his message. He contradicts conventional wisdom, and has earned a justifiable reputation for straight talk, irreverence and courage.
He builds that practical knowledge and experience into everything he does. That means every book and every product, including the CASHFLOW® 101 Board Game, which has made a profound difference in the financial lives of tens of thousands of individuals and families.
More important, his advice has helped people position themselves correctly in today's economy. He challenges the status quo with the idea that the "old" advice (get a job, save money, get out of debt, invest for the long term and diversify) is both obsolete and flawed. And his assertion that your house is not an asset has been proven resoundingly true in the most recent financial crisis.
There's no better person to teach you how to achieve financial success than Robert. He's going to share the refined system that allowed him to retire at age 47 (he loves what he does now, so it's no longer "work" to him). This is a brand new program, and you don't want to miss it!

Robert Is Bringing Someone Special With Him

Robert by himself is worth the price of admission, but he's bringing someone extra special along with him.
Robert's wife Kim will be speaking as well.
In more ways than one, Robert and Kim are a team. In the 1980s they were homeless, jobless and over $400,000 in debt. That's when they created and followed a simple 10-step formula to get out of bad debt. They founded The Rich Dad Company in 1997 to spread the Rich Dad® message of financial literacy through books, games and educational. Kim's particular focus is on the financial IQ of women around the world.
She is an internationally renowned author, entrepreneur, and investor. She's a
sought-after speaker in her own right, a frequent guest on television and radio, the host of "Rich Woman" on PBS and a columnist for Her advice draws on a lifetime of experience in business, including her tremendously successful real estate investing career.
Kim is a self-made millionaire who has grown her Rich Woman brand to an international powerful focused on financial education for women.
Her first book, Rich Woman, was a BusinessWeek bestseller and is one of the top 50 best-selling personal finance books of all time, for the same reason Robert's books do so well — she offers practical, life-changing advice about how to raise your financial IQ.
Kim's advice is every bit as powerful as Robert's. In fact, they're living proof that what they say works.
She'll even be hosting a special Rich Woman event at this year's UK gathering. If you're a woman looking for success, Kim is the perfect teacher, and you men should listen closely as well, because financial IQ knows no gender bounds.
And as if that weren't enough...

By The Way...They're Bringing Some Friends

Robert and Kim are fantastic, but even they would tell you that their success would not have reached its current level without a top-notch team behind them.
So they're bringing their team to the UK with them, in the form of an all-star cast of RichDad's Advisors, all experts in their area of wealth generation.
That includes such well-known speakers as these...
Andy Tanner
RichDad's Advisor - Paper Assets
Andy has a knack for teaching key investing techniques for the stock and options markets. So much so that in 2008, Robert made Andy key in helping develop and launch Rich Dad’s Stock Success System, which has already helped thousands of investors discover how to profit handsomely regardless of market conditions. He still serves as a coach for Rich Dad’s Stock Success System trainers. Although best known as a stock market teacher, Andy is also a business owner and real estate investor. His down to earth style and quick humour always make him a crowd favourite.
Stocks and options are a key wealth building tool, but they can seem complicated and risky to many people. Andy's presentation will take the fear away and help you understand how to implement winning stock and option strategies for yourself.
Ken McElroy
RichDad’s Advisor – Real Estate
Ken has been a property management advisor to the Rich Dad organization since 2001. He authored The ABC’s of Real Estate Investing and How to Increase the Income from your Real Estate Investments - Secrets of Professional Property Managers. He has spoken in various cities throughout the United States and Australia, imparting lessons from his nearly twenty years of investment and management experience. He co-manages The MC Companies, which has an investment portfolio with a market value of over $250,000,000.
Real estate is a superb wealth building tool. Believe it or not, today's real estate market is a great time to start building a portfolio that will feed you for years. Ken's advice will put you on the right road.
Kathy Heasley
RichDad’s Advisor – Marketing
Kathy has worked with the big names like Coca-Cola, Dr Pepper, Proctor & Gamble, McCann Erickson and Exxon for more than two decades to shape their worldwide brands.
More importantly, she has made a career working with the smaller names, the entrepreneurial businesses that are tomorrow's big names. The know-how it takes to build brands is different from the knowledge it takes to maintain them, and Kathy has both.
If you're looking to build your own brand (here's a hint — you should be), Kathy's advice is invaluable.
Mike Maloney
RichDad’s Advisor – Gold & Silver
Mike is a world renowned expert in gold and silver investing. He is the founder and and principal of Gold & Silver, Inc. He is the author of Guide to Investing in Gold & Silver, and speaks frequently on commodities investing around the world. He has been a precious metals investor advisor to Robert Kiyosaki since 2005.
Mike has had the privilege of interacting with influential government and economic leaders, such as Congressman and Presidential candidate Ron Paul.
Precious metals, specifically gold, has been one of the best performing asset classes in the past decade. The future looks bright, and investing in gold and silver has never been easier. Mike's advice will show you how to get started and build wealth in the only money that has been around for millennia.

With a world-class lineup like that, you know you'll be getting your money's worth. It will be one highly profitable information-crammed session after another for the entire three days.
And speaking of those three days, here's what you can expect.

These Will Be Three Intense, Exhilarating, Mind-Blowing Days

Don't worry, there will be plenty of time to come up for air, but we've packed in the material as well. This is a powerhouse event, and we won't waste a minute.
You'll know that instantly when you see the schedule.

Days 1 and 2: Robert and Kim and Their Rich Dad Advisors

The event starts with a bang, with a stirring keynote from Robert himself.
At this point, you should prepare yourself to be immersed in the RichDad® success mindset world for the next two days.
You will be exposed to the various wealth-building strategies Robert and his team know like the back of their hand. There will be detailed presentations, inspirational (but practical) messages, breakout sessions, and networking breaks.
As Robert's "Rich Dad" told him, you don't need a good job, you need a good system. You're going to learn that system.
You'll get plenty of uplifting encouragement as you start to reprogram your brain, but you'll also get practical knowledge about:

How to discard your old, limiting ideas about money (which is the single largest barrier to your future success, believe it or not)
How to think and live like the rich do...even if you have very little money to start with
Why you don't need a high income to become rich — in fact, a high income can actually keep you from achieving true financial success to the level you really want
How to beat the recession we're bound to have (Robert talks about this specifically in his recent book, Conspiracy of the Rich, and you'll hear all about it)
The simple way to do what you choose to do, not what you have to do, which is the core of your future freedom
Why simply saving money is taking you backwards, not toward your goals (this "old" advice could be hurting you more than you think)
How to make your own personal plan to fulfill your dreams (a dream without a plan amounts to nothing)
How to become financially free for the rest of your life, which is the launching pad for all of your future success
When you've taken all of that in...there's more! You have another full day of learning and growing ahead of you.

Day 3: Wealth Expo

What you learn on Days 1 and 2 is phenomenal, to be sure, but you won't stop there.
The third day brings even more experts together in one place to give you the insights you need to launch your own success. You'll learn about different avenues to personal wealth, because one size doesn't fit all. Here's a taste:
Greg Secker
Forex Trading
Owner of the multi-million pound Knowledge To Action Group
Officially retired from "work" at age 28, Greg owns the multi-million pound Knowledge to Action Group, which runs both LiveTradingFloor™ and Traders University™, the UK's first multi-award winning private trader coaching company. Over 50,000 people have attended his trading seminars and workshops to learn how to produce instant income in the stock and currency markets. He specialises in teaching beginners, and what he teaches works extremely well. He has spoken on most major market oriented television channels, including CNBC and Bloomberg.
Forex trading is one of the most lucrative wealth generators on the planet. Greg honed his secret strategies as he traveled the world and learned from the "hidden" expert on international trading floors. He's going to reveal those strategies to you.
Dan Eckelman
Tax Lien Investing
President of The International Factoring Institute
Dan specializes in teaching how to make your money work for you through tax liens. As a recognized expert in all forms of real estate investing, he has conducted thousands of seminars in the past 15 years, speaking to well over one million people, both on his own and as a trainer for the American Cash Flow Institute™, the American Grant Institute and the Trump Institute. He is the President of The International Factoring Institute.
The rich have been using tax lien investing for years, but most investors have no idea how to leverage the massive possibilities. Dan Eckelman will open this world to you.
Kevin Green
Property Investing
Channel 4's The Secret Millionaire
Kevin started as a successful dairy farmer in South Wales, growing the family business from 40 cows to 400. But he grew weary of the tight margins in farming, not to mention the hard physical label. So he turned his diligence and business savvy toward building passive income streams using residential property, and he hasn't looked back since 1999.
His first deal make him a profit of £124,000 before taxes in three months...for part time work. Since then, he has become Wales's most successful residential landlord, with a portfolio of 267 properties worth 29 million. He also is the UK's leading trainer in property development and investment.
Rental property (commercial or residential) is a wealth builder too huge to ignore, but getting into the game can be daunting. Kevin's going to take the fear out of it, and show you how to do what he did.

But remember, success is about more than building wealth. It's also about working toward dreams that inspire you, and can help you make a positive difference in the world. That's the fuel that will drive you when the challenges come (and they will).
That's why we're especially proud to include another speaker in this year's Wealth Expo...
John P. Coutis
Inspirational Speaker
John was born with a severe disability that rendered his legs useless. He defied medical opinion by refusing to die. That tenacity is what every single success-minded person needs, and John will reveal the secrets to developing that kind of mental toughness in yourself.
John has shared the stage with such well known international speakers as Amanda Gore and Dr. Mark Victor Hansen. He was a guest speaker at the 1997 World Masters of Business Seminar where he shared the day with some of the world's foremost international speakers such as, General Norman Schwarzkopf, Lee Iacocca, Stephen Covey, Brian Tracey and Alan Jones (Australia's top Radio Broadcaster). John was the only speaker to receive a standing ovation from the 12,000 strong audiences in attendance.
As you travel the road to success, there's no substitute for being inspired when the going gets tough. John will lift your spirits and get you excited about what your future has in store, no matter how hard the struggle is right now.
The Wealth Expo is your golden opportunity to learn wealth building strategies from the best and brightest out there today...and be inspired along the way.
But there's more to this experience than the top-notch speakers and their life changing, wealth building advice.

Your Networking Opportunity Is Tremendous

Imagine several thousand like minded people in one place, all seeking to grow their personal and professional success exponentially.
There's a way to describe a gathering like that — a potential gold mine.
When you bring together the best and brightest, the ones who crave success like a drowning man wants air, and you inspire them to do great things, that's a recipe for making miracles happen. That means something extremely practical for you...
  • Do you think you can find one possible business opportunity among the fascinating achievers you'll meet?
  • Do you think you can find one possible venture to make a positive difference in the world?
  • Do you think you can find one potential mastermind group that can launch your success into the stratosphere?
Almost certainly. We suspect you can find multiple opportunities like that, and it won't even be that hard. You'll probably be stumbling all over them for the entire three days.
That kind of networking opportunity is rare. It's going to be shockingly convenient for you to grow your personal and professional success network by leaps and bounds. This is your chance to change the path of the rest of your life.
And you'll be experiencing all of this in one of the best venues the UK has to offer.

The Venue

Our UK debut will be at ExCeL London, the international exhibition and conference centre located in the heart of London's Royal Docks, only 10 minutes from CanaryWharf and within easy reach of central London.
The 100-acre campus is fully equipped for a high-tech conference experience. It sports three onsite DLR stations, easy access to the Jubilee Line of London's Underground, and convenient access to London City Airport.
Driving? No problem! There's parking for 4,000 cars.
And if you're worried about where you'll stay, have no fear. With five on-site hotels ranging from luxury to budget (and more than 8,000 hotel rooms without 20 minutes), you can find the perfect place. You'll have your choice of Marriott, Radisson Edwardian, Hilton, The Four Seasons and more.
You'll also have your pick of numerous on-site bars and restaurants, all within minutes of the venue.
This is without a doubt the premier location for large gatherings in London, and you'll get the benefit of everything it has to offer.
There's no denying that major events like this take serious planning and logistics. But we're going to make it nearly painless for you.
All You Have To Decide Is How You'll Join Us!
Without question, this is likely to be a life changing event for everyone who attends.
So you need to ask yourself one of the most important questions you'll ever much would you pay to change your life?
Really, how much would you be willing to pay to hear successful people reveal how you do do what they did and open the doors of success for yourself?
National Achievers Congress 2010 London
ExCel London Auditorium
  Friday 11th June 2010
Robert & Kim Kiyosaki with Rich Dad's Advisors
  Saturday 12th June 2010
  Sunday 13th June 2010
Wealth Expo
When you think about it, experiences like this are priceless. The knowledge you'll gain will equip you to explode your life to the upside, and the insights you'll get from people who have "been there" will help you develop a practical plan for achieving your goals.
But we know you want to hear how much this "priceless" experience will cost. Fortunately, we can offer some very good news.
  • To discover how to unlock limitless possibilities in your life...
  • To be inspired by the remarkable insights of inspirational and successful people...
  • To recharge your dreams and develop concrete, practical plans for achieving them...
  • To learn from experts who have the practical experience to steer you straight...
  • To be part of this one-of-a-kind revolutionary event, you'll spend less than you would on a nice plasma television. And that technical wonder gadget won't get you one bit closer to success!
All you need to decide is how you'll attend. You have two options.

The VIP Experience

VIP ticket holders are in for a real treat. We are rolling out the red carpet for you to make this gathering the highlight of your year. Make no mistake, the 1,000 VIP spots will vanish quickly.
Here's what will be included in your VIP package:
  • Complete access to all NAC events for all three days, including the Wealth Expo
  • Unprecedented networking opportunities with thousands of other like minded people
  • Front section seating throughout the event
  • VIP priority registration (shorter queues, so you can beat the rush we're sure to have)
  • Priority access to all events on all three days
Each VIP ticket is only £995 for people who register now, but that will not last long (see below for a special notice about ticket prices).
(We do not offer refunds for cancellation, but seats are transferable.)

The Gold Experience

There are 3,000 spots for Gold attendees. You won't get quite the VIP treatment, but the event is still going to be fantastic for you! Here's what Gold ticket holders will get:
  • Complete access to all NAC events for all three days, including the Wealth Expo
  • Unprecedented networking opportunities with thousands of other like minded people
  • Superb Gold section seating throughout the event (you can see and hear all speakers clearly)
Each Gold ticket is only £450 for people who register now, but that will not last long (see below for a special notice about ticket prices).
(We do not offer refunds for cancellation, but seats are transferable.)

The Choice Is Yours

Whether you attend as a VIP or a Gold ticket holder, this event could very well be a turning point in your life, just as it has been for thousands of people in the past.
Your only decision is how to attend:


Gold Attendee

  • Complete access to all NAC events for all three days, including the Wealth Expo
  • Unprecedented networking opportunities with thousands of other like minded people
  • Superb Gold section seating throughout the event (you can see and hear all speakers clearly)
Only £450


VIP Attendee

  • Complete access to all NAC events for all three days, including the Wealth Expo
  • Unprecedented networking opportunities with thousands of other like minded people
  • Front section seating throughout the event
  • VIP priority registration (shorter queues, so you can beat the rush we're sure to have)
  • Priority access to all events on all three days
Only £995
There is no "bad" way to attend. What counts is that you do attend. Events like this will make no difference in your life unless you seize the opportunity.
But there is one important thing you need to know about ticket prices...

IMPORTANT: Ticket Price Notice

The prices above are "early bird" prices. They won't last. The closer we get to the event, the more it will cost to buy a ticket, whether it's Gold or VIP.
Level Price Now After 30th April After 31st May
GOLD £300 £450 £695
VIP £650 £995 £1,500
As you can see, there will never be a better time to decide to attend the National Achievers Congress than right now.
VIP attendees who book now will save an eye-popping £850, and Gold attendees will save £395. That's too good to pass up, especially for an even you know you're aching to attend.
You've seen the speakers who will be there. All will focus on strategies for success in your life. They'll cover their topics extensively, from the ground up. Robert and Kim are bringing the best of the best, and they're all primed to hand you the system you need to raise your financial IQ.
The sessions will be entertaining, enlightening and enriching, all at once.
Are you looking for personal and professional success? There's no better place to equip yourself for it than attending the National Achievers Congress 2010 in London.
Ask yourself one last question...

Isn't It Time You Unlocked Your Potential?

Deep down, you can feel you're meant for more than who you are right now. It's true, you are.
Isn't it time you unlocked that potential and unleashed the raw power of your dreams to turn your life upside down for the better?
If you've reached the decision that it finally is time, no more waiting, no more dreaming without a plan...then you know what to do.


Give Me a VIP Ticket!

I want complete access to all NAC events for all three days, including the Wealth Expo.
That includes the unprecedented networking opportunities with thousands of other people seeking success as hard as I am.
I'll have front section seating throughout the event, exclusively with other VIP attendees.


Give Me a Gold Ticket!

I want complete access to all NAC events for all three days, including the Wealth Expo.
That includes the unprecedented networking opportunities with thousands of other people seeking success as hard as I am.
I'll have superb Gold section seating throughout the event, so I can see and hear all speakers clearly.

(We do not offer refunds for cancellation, but seats are transferable.)
P.S. Remember, ticket prices are going nowhere but up from here. If you want to attend (and we're sure you do), now is the time to make your choice to join us for what will be the premier event of 2010.